sábado, 26 de junho de 2010

Sharing my collection! Part 2 & Some reflection

On my last post I had a lot of comments from my visitors and I must confess that I were very proud of this feedback. Thanks a lot, people!
One comment came from Alex Teo, who is in my opinion one of most respectable collector in the world. Master Alex asked me to show my action figures of GI Joe/Action Man. Well, not so much Figures but here we go:

I have bought some figures from the line "The Planet of The Apes" of Sideshow but in fact I am not a big fan of these Figures because Hot Toys stabilish a higher level of quality in the actual scenario of 1/6 Figures. But it is OK, I love this cult movie.

I must confess that to be a collector is complicated. Sometimes I guess that collecting could be transform in a obsession and it could drain your money. My approach to be a collector is to keep the focus and to be very selective in my shopping. If I am not 100% sure about buying some toy I don't buy it. Up to now I guess this approach is working for me. And the problem of every collector is just one: space. Everey collector need more and more space.

I must start to design a new place to put my toys. The type of toys that I collect it deserves a nice place to be displayed and I like to play different poses and to find one which is cool.

Again, thanks a lot for visiting and wellcome!

4 comentários:

  1. hey supekudx, thanks for sharing more pictures and thanks also for the kind words :) I am very honored

    I am putting your collection posts under my toy links as well

    I totally agree with you on being focused and buying only what you really like and not being a completist. Space is also a big problem as I've moved house twice in order to have more space for toys LOLZ ;p


  2. Master Alex, again thanks, thanks and thanks! I started my 1/6 collection in 2008 and your blog is my obrigatory reference to guide my shopping.
    I am totally honored with your visiting here at my blog and it gives my blog a "certification".

  3. Supekudx!!
    Esses action man são a versão importada ou a que saiu no Brasil conhecidos como "Falcon"?
    Eu tive uns três Falcons quando era criança (com certeza meus primeiros actions figures!!rss)mas infelizmente não sobrou nenhum inteiro pra guardar de recordação:(
    Eu gostava da versão conhecida como "Olhos de águia",lembra?Era o sistema "PERS" da época!rss
    E esses bonecos do Planeta dos Macacos da Sideshow eu não conhecia.
    Vou ver se consigo achar algum desses perdidos em um outlet.
    Eu comprei há um mês atrás o General Ursus da Hottoys pois eu tambem curtia bastante esse seriado!!
    Parabéns pelo post!!
    Grande abraço :D

  4. Esses Action Man fazem parte de comemoração de 40 anos, ou seja, não são vintage, são relançamentos e que não sairão mais. Pelo que vi o preço anda subindo ultimamente devido a decisão de interrupção de relançamento. No ebay tá cheio deles ainda. Eu já comprei da Inglaterra neste site: http://www.eagleeyesactionstation.co.uk/
    Inclusive tenho a versão olhos de águia. Nesta foto também tem dois GI Joes da série comemorativa da Walmart.
    Eu acabei comprando esta Linha da Sideshow, Planet of the Apes numa oferta muito boa no ebay. Foi um lote das 5 Figuras de uma vez. Logo em seguida a Hot Toys anunciou a mesma linha e fiquei bem p... da vida. Os meus Falcons foram destroçados com o tempo. A borracha desintegrou-se. Cara, pelo jeito temos as mesmas influências hein!
